Website Visitor Interaction and Access Control
MobileTracker goes beyond Website Analytics. Not only it provides essential webmaster Web Analytics tools, it allows webmasters to interact with their website visitors and control their access to pages, documents, and URLs.

Based on the multitude of website visitor information, a webmaster can create custom Mobile Tracker rules to redirect visitors, control access to specific website pages, show popup or transitional messages to visitors or ban specific visitors altogether and disallow them to gain access to an entire website. Visitor Redirecting and Control can be used not only to serve specific content to the target audience but to protect website forms from being spammed.
Another set of Basic Access Rules can be used to serve specific pages during a dedicated timeframe. For example, after the business closes or during a special time-sensitive promotional offer, visitors will be redirected to business offline or promo pages.
Link and Page Trackers
These tools make the above possible and are individually connected to each website project. They allow for tracking individual links and pages on a website. Besides providing detailed page load and visitor tracking information that is associated with a particular URL or a Page, these tools allow for full control of either all or individual URLs or Pages.
A website project can contain a number of Link and Page trackers. Each tracker comes with an individual statistical console similar to a full website statistics interface that provides stats for each tracker unit over an extended period of time.
Both Mobile Tracker Link and Page Trackers bear the capability of providing full control over website traffic via Advanced Access Rules which can be created to affect and redirect website visitors based on their location, devices they use, computer ID, IP address, referrer information, and other variables.
For example, a webmaster can set up a Mobile Tracker rule to redirect a visitor with a specific IP address, and affect that visitor even if the visitor's IP address has changed. This can be achieved by setting up an Advanced Page or Link Tracker Rule while selecting either a "Computer ID" or "First Time IP" option. Other options (needles) by which visitors can be controlled are:
- Current Mobile or Stationary device IP address
- First IP address
- Last or first IP address
- Computer ID
- Referrer URL
- Referring subdomain or domain address
- Referring search engine keywords
- Landing page URL and Title
- Device types such as mobile, tablet or desktop
- Device names such as iPad, iPhone, Android
- User agent string needles
- Device OS, such as Windows, iOS, android
- Device OS versions
- Browser names such as Internet Explorer, Safari, and others
- Browser versions
Other options by which website visitors can be differentiated and controlled are:
- Geo Data such as Country, State, City, Zip code, and timezone of the visitor connection
- Mobile and stationary network connection identification by ISP name, Organization name, and Host name
- Visitor cumulative activity by total page views and returning visits over the life of visitor's browser cookies
Website Visitor Data that can be used to set up Basic and Advanced Visitor Control Rules can be obtained on the visitor's detail page.

The Link and Page Trackers also provide an action log that displays a status when a Visitor Control Rule is activated.

Other Mobile Tracker rule reports include counts for the first time and returning visit clicks, campaign link clicks, IP addresses of all visitors who were allowed or disallowed from accessing web content and GEO locations.
Advanced Visitor Redirecting Rules can be used but not limited to the following
- Tracking and securing individual website links
- Obtaining detailed statistics on each website link or page
- Delivering popup or transitional messages to customers
- Delivering customer announcements
- Tracking email campaign links
- Preventing payment fraud transactions by limiting the allowed geographical visitor areas
- Preventing website forms spamming and fishing
- Redirecting visitors to dedicated member pages
- Monitoring file and document downloads
- Separation of data flow into Mobile Tracking and Desktop Tracker projects